Author: Kimberly

BONUS: Was 2020 A Dumpster Fire Of A Year?

Happy New Year from us, to you! Let’s reflect— no! Scratch that. Let’s be real and talk about all the PROS AND CONS OF 2020. Not grateful? Totally fine. Super grateful? Also fine. Kimberly and Reina talk about all the things they did or didn’t do this past year and call 2020 for what it […]

EP5: What Do Free Personality Tests Say About You?

Stuck in lockdown with LOTS of time to reflect – Kimberly bombards Reina with every free personality test on the internet. Including Buzzfeed. But from the perspective of self-development and career coaching, Reina leans in and explains why we love these tests so much. Learn which Enneagram they are and which of the 16 Personalities […]

EP4: When Did You Know You Were Asian?

Coach Reina sends Kimberly a curveball and asks, “When did you know you were Asian?”. From food, to teenage angst, to reconciling their Asian identities – our hosts discuss the many ways they realized they were Asian. Listen as they dig into their past and make some poignant connections to how they live now. If […]

EP3: The Boardroom of Allies

Who is your “WWJD” person? (For those who didn’t have the kitsch rubber bracelets in middle school, you missed out on an era). And by that, we mean – who do you have as your own cheerleaders? Who are in your internal boardroom? Join Kimberly and Reina as they talk about who’s in their boardrooms […]

EP1: WTF Are ABGs?

Why did you click? Are you still wondering what the hell ABG stands for? Well in this podcast, it stands for Aspirations, Boardrooms, and Goals (or growth…there’s debate on the last one). And you can say these two Asian ladies are obsessed with them! On today’s episode, life-coach Reina and her fave cheerleader Kimberly, invite […]

Welcome to Our NEW Podcast!

Two Asian/Canadian BFF’s obsess over each other’s aspirations, boardrooms and goals …across the globe. Join Reina (a legit career & life coach) and Kimberly (also a legit producer) as they navigate their careers, Asian identity, and personal goals. They may not have all the right answers to life, but they want to be your hype […]